Saturday, September 27, 2008

Asking God for Help (part of essay)

Don’t do that. Don’t ask God for help, God has already given you all you need and more. Asking God for help is like going through the lunch line, walking over to the garbage, throwing it all out and then going back for seconds. Eat what is on your plate; I assure you that what you seek is there.

I once watched a Doctor, who was about to stitch the eye of a fellow church member, pray with the man that the procedure would go well and that God give him what he needed to be successful in the surgery. My thought was fixed on what might happen to both men’s faith had something incidental gone wrong.

Instead of asking for particular help in a situation, why not consult that light and wisdom which has already been imparted to all of us. How? Stop thinking about anything else and shake yourself back to the moment. Focus on the task at hand. God’s wisdom will tell you exactly what to do next, or maybe just what not to do. Your challenge is not to interfere with the answer at the beckoning of your Ego.